Psychopaths in Fact & Fiction
Dr Robert Hare, world renowned expert, sums up psychopaths in 58 seconds:
(Excerpt from the excellent movie, I am Fishead - full movie, more info and links here.)
Dr Robert Hare, world renowned expert, sums up psychopaths in 58 seconds:
(Excerpt from the excellent movie, I am Fishead - full movie, more info and links here.)
Psychopaths are social predators who charm, manipulate, and ruthlessly plow their way through life, leaving a broad trail of broken hearts, shattered expectations, and empty wallets.
Completely lacking in conscience and in feelings for others, the selfishly take what they want and do as they please, violating social norms and expectations without the slightest sense of guilt or regret.
Their bewildered victims desperately ask, ‘Who are these people?’ ‘What makes them they way they are?’ ‘How can we protect ourselves?’
Dr Hare, Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us.
Completely lacking in conscience and in feelings for others, the selfishly take what they want and do as they please, violating social norms and expectations without the slightest sense of guilt or regret.
Their bewildered victims desperately ask, ‘Who are these people?’ ‘What makes them they way they are?’ ‘How can we protect ourselves?’
Dr Hare, Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us.
Psychopaths in fact and fiction...
Are you interested in psychopathic characters? If so, you've come to the right place.
On this site you will find information, background reading, psychopath quotes (both real-life and fiction), articles, recommendations, movies, novels, documentary videos, websites and links related to this rather under-represented segment of our society.
The aim is to increase understanding - not glorify or revel in the despicable antics of the worst criminal psychopaths, but to compare their attitudes to those of successful or sub-clinical psychopaths whose anti-social traits help them progress to the highest levels in our competitive capitalist society.
If you think psychopaths are only relevant in movies and the pages of novels, or to the police and criminal profilers, you should think again...
Socially adaptive psychopaths are often extremely successful at using their superficial charm and manipulative skills to climb the social ladder.
Ken Lanning, a retired member of the FBI's Behavioral Science Unit, calls such people:
"Pillar of the community psychopaths..."
People we look up to... Judges, doctors and business executives who remorselessly lie, cheat and manipulate others for their own gain, including US Presidents and other political leaders too.
It pays to be able to identify these predators as you really don't want to end up on the wrong side of them...
Are you interested in psychopathic characters? If so, you've come to the right place.
On this site you will find information, background reading, psychopath quotes (both real-life and fiction), articles, recommendations, movies, novels, documentary videos, websites and links related to this rather under-represented segment of our society.
The aim is to increase understanding - not glorify or revel in the despicable antics of the worst criminal psychopaths, but to compare their attitudes to those of successful or sub-clinical psychopaths whose anti-social traits help them progress to the highest levels in our competitive capitalist society.
If you think psychopaths are only relevant in movies and the pages of novels, or to the police and criminal profilers, you should think again...
Socially adaptive psychopaths are often extremely successful at using their superficial charm and manipulative skills to climb the social ladder.
Ken Lanning, a retired member of the FBI's Behavioral Science Unit, calls such people:
"Pillar of the community psychopaths..."
People we look up to... Judges, doctors and business executives who remorselessly lie, cheat and manipulate others for their own gain, including US Presidents and other political leaders too.
It pays to be able to identify these predators as you really don't want to end up on the wrong side of them...
Without Conscience - The disturbing world of the psychopaths among us - is a classic reference book.
Highly recommended and highly readable: Dr Hare's brilliant analysis of the roughly 1% who make up the clinical psychopaths among us. Many of them are in positions of power... Hit the pic below to read this article from Sep 2016: |
If you're trying to run a business or you're in politics,
if you're the boss, being a psychopath can really be a positive thing.
You can lie, cheat, steal to get what you want...
Ken Lanning, a retired member of the FBI's Behavioral Science Unit
if you're the boss, being a psychopath can really be a positive thing.
You can lie, cheat, steal to get what you want...
Ken Lanning, a retired member of the FBI's Behavioral Science Unit
Get inside the mind of a psychopath in a novel described by serving Brit detective Scott M as the 'best book' he'd read as it helped him understand his 'clients' better!
If you enjoy crime fiction then grab a copy of the website author's gripping British Crime Thriller, Remorseless, featuring a psychopathic serial killer...
Many professionals, including police officers, psychiatric care workers, and even people who have suffered at the hands of psychopaths, have all either recommended the novel or commented on the authenticity of the villainous characters.
Over 250,000 copies downloaded since Jan 2016!
If you enjoy crime fiction then grab a copy of the website author's gripping British Crime Thriller, Remorseless, featuring a psychopathic serial killer...
Many professionals, including police officers, psychiatric care workers, and even people who have suffered at the hands of psychopaths, have all either recommended the novel or commented on the authenticity of the villainous characters.
Over 250,000 copies downloaded since Jan 2016!
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Will Patching - author of The Widow, The Remorseless Trilogy and The Hack Trilogy
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I also send out occasional newsletters offering crime related freebies and prize draws. If you are interested then please sign up here.
Will Patching - author of The Widow, The Remorseless Trilogy and The Hack Trilogy